Often after getting a traumatic brain injury there comes a significant shift in the way a person thinks and feels. Emotional problem is one such issue that persons with traumatic brain injury face. Dr Anil Dhingra, listed among the best brain surgeon in Chandigarh highlights some emotional problems people with a traumatic brain injury has to face and how can they deal with it.

Mood Swings

Sometimes brain injury affects the portion of the brain that controls emotions of a person. As a result of which episodes of sudden crying and laughing or “the emotional roller-coaster” increases. A person might be angry at a moment and be laughing at next. Often, there is no trigger of such fluctuations in mood which is why this becomes confusing for the family. However, episodes of mood swings decrease after a few months of injury but if it doesn’t improve over time, seeking medical help is suggested.


Intense, excessive and persistent worry or fear about everyday situations is termed as anxiety. Rapid heart rate, heavy breathing, and sweating are common symptoms of anxiety. People with traumatic brain injury face difficulty in concentrating and problem-solving due to which they might not be able to complete a task. This is the reason for anxiety in such patients. Sometimes, sudden flashbacks of the incident which led to the injury might also lead to anxiety. This is known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Treatment for anxiety varies from patient to patient, that is why getting checked by a health professional is advised.


During the later stages of recovery, the patient might feel sad or frustrated which is considered normal by the doctors. However, if this sadness interferes with the recovery of the patient, it might be depression. Feeling of worthlessness, suicidal thoughts and loss of interest in day to day activities are some common symptoms of depression. Symptoms of brain surgery and depression are similar, that is why it is necessary to report the problem to the doctor who will then establish if it is actually depression or not.


Studies show that 71% of the individuals who suffer from brain injury report irritability. The prime cause behind irritability and frustration is that injury affects the part of the brain responsible for expressions of emotions. In addition to this, the failure of not adjusting to the new lifestyle after injury may also be the reason for sudden outbursts. Anger management skills and medications may help individuals with irritability.

Patience is the key to dealing with patients with traumatic brain injuries. Dr Anil Dhingra, neurosurgeon in Tricity recommends that taking proper medication and seeing your doctor regularly may help you in recovering from brain injury.