High blood pressure is a significant risk factor not only for your heart, but there are several complications high blood pressure can cause. Studies show that high blood pressure or hypertension can also impact brain health in several ways. It significantly affects cognition, which is the ability to think, remember and reason. It is proven that people in the age group of the 40s to 60s with high blood pressure increase the risk of cognitive problems in their later life.

Simply put, high blood pressure is a matter of concern for people of all ages. So, if you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, it is necessary to consult with a physician. The proper treatment can help you manage your high blood pressure to lower your risk of serious health problems and maintain your brain health. Sometimes, many people do know that they have high blood pressure. So, make sure to keep an eye on your blood pressure rate by measuring it frequently as suggested by Dr. Anil Dhingra, the best Neurologist in Chandigarh.

Effects of High Blood Pressure on Your Brain:

  1. Stroke: The scariest consequence of having high blood pressure is stroke. High blood pressure can weaken or damage your blood vessels resulting in blockages that could prevent oxygen-rich blood from flowing to the brain. This could lead to a stroke. Stroke significantly affects brain health such as memory lapses, trouble thinking, changes in mood, concentration, and even judgment power.
  2. Dementia: High blood pressure often exacerbates anxiety and depression by accelerating the growth of a type of scar tissue in the brain. Over time, it can lead to dementia and cognitive impairment, which is a decline in mental abilities.
  3. Alzheimer’s Disease: High blood pressure can damage the tiny blood vessels in the parts of your brain that increase your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. It can affect your outlook and make you more susceptible to anxiety and depression.

Get Your Blood Pressure Down:

In adults, the normal blood pressure rate is 120/80. If you experience a continuous increase in your blood pressure rate, talk to your doctor about the best path forward by considering your history and other risk factors.

Dr Anil Dhingra, one of the best Neurologists in Chandigarh, recommends people with high blood pressure should embrace certain lifestyle changes such as taking a low-sodium diet, getting regular exercise, and taking medication if necessary prescribed by their doctor.