Minimally invasive spine surgery is being done for a lot of spinal problems such as cervical and lumbar disc extrusions, lumbar canal stenosis, vertebral fractures and spondylolisthesis.

After a good experience and expertise in all these , Dr Anil Dhingra- Spine surgeon in chandigarh, Tricity can perform surgery of spinal tumors of any type with Endoscopic or minimally invasive spinal surgery.  Extradural spinal tumors, Intradural extramedullary tumors such as neurofibromas , meningiomas can be removed by this procedure.

Advantages of MISS

Small incision 2cm (compared to 10-12 cm incision in open surgery)

Little blood loss.

Little muscle cutting and little normal bone loss helping in maintaining postoperative spinal stability.

little postoperative pain.

Rapid recovery and fast wound healing.

No significant postoperative back stiffness.

Short hospital stay.

Infrastructure Requirements

The basic tenents or need for the procedure is Good illumination, Magnification and best Instrumentation and hospital infra-structure without which it’s not possible.

Most important of all this is expertise in this field.

Endoscopic spine surgeon in ChandigarhNeurosurgeon in Tricity

Procedure steps– After paint/ drape under general anaesthesia , 2 cm. incision is given over the back. Sequential tubular dilators are inserted over required one side of the lamina. Quadrant retractor system is applied. A wider view is seen inside under endoscopic/ microscopic vision and illumination. Hemilaminectomy is done using hydraulic drill. Dura is incised laterally and hitches applied. Vertical lateral incision is very helpful as this gives direct exposure of the tumor even if it is anteriorly placed to spinal cord.

Base of the tumor is coagulated . Intratumoral decompression followed by extracapsular dissection is done to completely remove the tumor. There is no need to retract or touch the spinal cord.

After hemostasis, Dural layer is primarily closed by sutures or dural clips available.Wound closure is done easily.

Outcome–  Results are very good compared to open surgery. Benefits of MISS add to the spinal tumor surgery. 99-100% better  outcome in the cases of common intradural extramedullary tumors such as neurofibromas and meningiomas. Complete excision of the tumor is possible with extra benefits of MISS.

Dr. Anil Dhingra – spine surgeon in Chandigarh, offers a great deal of expertise and experience in endoscopic surgery, with a remarkable success rate in the procedure. The hospital also offers some of the most advanced infrastructural and technical facilities to ensure the best treatment of the patients.

to know more about endoscopic spine surgery, click here.

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