The brain, being one of the most important and delicate organs in the human body, begins to develop when the child is in the womb and continues through infancy until adolescence. All neurological disorders involve the nervous system, which is related to the brain and spine. After all, the nervous system controls everything in the human body, including movement, vision, and hearing abilities. These conditions can affect people of all age groups, no matter whether they are children, adults, or elderly people. However, some neurological problems can manifest as birth defects, and again, some disorders are diagnosed only in the later years of childhood. Dr. Anil Dhingra, one of the Top Neurologists in Chandigarh, consistently gives his patients the best recommendations.

There are various and common neurological disorders that affect the pediatric population such as:

  • Autism: Autism is a neurological disorder that can be characterized by impaired social interaction, and impairment of verbal and non-verbal communication. Children diagnosed with autism often perceive things around them in a different way as compared to other children their age. In most cases, an autistic child suffers from speech impairment and emotional disorders. But, fortunately, these can be treated through medication and behavioural treatment methods or a combination of both.
  • ADAH (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder): One of the most common neurological disorders in children is ADAH. It is such a condition that makes a child suffers from uncontrolled impulses. Though this condition can be caused by hereditary factors or poor nutrition, these can be managed through various therapies and medications.
  • Dyspraxia: This is a common neurological problem in children that makes it hard for them to coordinate physical movements and maintain their posture and balance. It can be treated when diagnosed early.
  • Epilepsy: Epilepsy can be found in people of all ages, but it is mainly prevalent in children. This is a chronic condition mainly caused by the occurrence of multiple seizures. The effects of Epilepsy vary from individual to individual depending on the severity of seizures. But it can be treated through medications and lifestyle interventions.
  • Dyslexia: Dyslexia is characterised as a common learning disability in kids that restricts their ability to read, spell, and write accurately. The treatment of dyslexia involves specific teaching methods from various professionals that help children overcome this problem.


Conclusion: Dr. Anil Dhingra, the Best Neurologist in Chandigarh, always recommends parents not overlook a minor disorder in children as it can develop through the years. After all, it is always better to take the necessary precautions when it involves the natural growth and development of a child.